The world passing slowly through the window to the rhythmic sound of an old steam locomotive making its way up through Sir Lowry pass to Elgin market. Transported back in time: wood panelling and emerald green seats. The trainmaster passed by each berth personally and generously giving information regarding this beaute of a locomotive, Jessica, and her coaches.
Be like a train; go in the rain, go in the sun, go in the storm, go in the dark tunnels! Be like a train; concentrate on your road and go with no hesitation!
Mehmet Murat ildan

Ceres Railway company
The brainchild of Derek du Toit & Simon Beckett together with Transnet as an enabler, this once closed line was reopened in 2012 and is now taking city dwellers for day outings in the countryside.
The Jessica was manufactured in the UK in 1948. This steam locomotive and 234 others were placed in service between 1937 and 1949 in South Africa. It has a Watson Standard boiler and mountain-type wheel arrangement of 4-8-2.

Each coach has a bathroom and every berth comes with a small vanity, and with fold down seats that can be converted into beds, which is currently not in use as Ceres Rail company only offers day trips. The train has one dining coach in the middle and a bar at the end. Perfect spot to stretch your legs and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.

The journey to Elgin
Circa 2019. Early morning Jessica did not wait for us as we would aspect in Cape Town station but along the track opposite the Yacht club. With a fresh sea breeze blowing in from the Atlantic, our tickets were checked and we boarded. Through the narrow hallway we found our berth. All aboard and settled in, the 3 hour journey started. First through the familiar scenes of the Northern suburbs, a track I am too familiar with. As a student I would occasionally take the train to the city instead of facing the traffic.

As we reached Helderberg the scenery changed, with a slow descent up Sir Lowry pass to Elgin Valley through fynbos covered mountains and a spectacular view of False bay to the right. Jessica made quite an entrance, as we reached Elgin those who were already at the market were made aware of our arrival by the loud whistle, and those interested came out to greet and take pictures.

Dressing for the occasion
True to my nature, I could not help but dress for the occasion, yes I got a lot of stares and giggle, but I absolutely loved it. The same skirt I wore whilst exploring waterfalls in Bali (self made), my wide brim hat from The Real Crystal Birch and a vintage working Rolleiflex camera, I bought at Blaauklippen market, that I was testing out. Perfect setting, perfect look don’t you think?

Elgin Market
Set in an old apple warehouse, now an art deco cross with steampunk interior station market. Various food stalls line the ground floor, from vetkoek to sushi. A must try is the gin bar at Elgin market. On the second level you can support local crafts. While you sit and enjoy your food and drink, you will have the sound of various artists playing in the background from the stage.

A bit of history regarding the market
The old apple warehouse was actually built by Italian POW during the 1940s. The market was created by businessman Roger Orpen, bringing local traders and crafters together in one setting in the valley of Elgin.

When and how to visit
This market does not only need to be on your weekend list. As Steam coffee shop is open during the week from 8am – 4pm. Perfect for a pit stop during a road trip. Wednesday and Friday evening from 4pm – 8:30pm some of the food vendors are open. Over the weekend, both Saturday and Sundays the full market is open from 9am – 4pm.
Elgin market is easily accessible from the N2 on the R321, about an hour drive from Cape Town. Make a weekend of it and stay in one of the guest houses or self catering unit in Grabouw, sush as Belfield Wines and Farm Cottages, or Uilhuijs, Looking for a guest house or hotel then look at Wildekrans Country House or the famous Houw Hoek Hotel.
Rail back to Cape Town
With a blow of the whistle announcing that we are soon to depart back to Cape Town we made our way to the platform to see how Jessica moves the couches back in place and herself on the opposite end facing Cape Town. Why is it that the trip back always feels to go by quicker than going.

Absolutely amazing experience. Back in Cape Town, I reminisce about my next Ceres Rail or rail experience. And if you are like me, pin the image below as a reminder.
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Do take note currently in 2021 they are not operating to the market, but follow them on Facebook for updates. The Elgin market can still be visited, it's only about an hour out of Cape Town.
*Disclosure: Opinions expressed here are my own
It is so beautiful . The scenery, the train and market !!! Love the photos .