An experience so incredible you only have a short period to observe it. An experience that so many South Africans dream of visiting; some repeating the journey yearly. Unquestionably it is one of mine too and I have been lucky to see it a few times.
This short-lived, unpredictable and beautiful experience is something not many international tourists get to observe.
So… if it’s not on your list of must see places, listen up.
And let’s get it on there!
As popular as the Sakura season is in Japan or the tulips of Keukenhof, the same can be said for the wildflowers of Namaqua for South Africa.

Namaqua flowers
In this article, I have covered all the details to make the most of your precious time.
Virtually every year, come August and September the arid, ostensibly barren vlaktes of the Namaqua change into a kaleidoscope of colours. This spectacle can be observed along the West coast of South Africa and Namibia. Sounds like road trip time!
Namaqualand is divided into two areas, starting with Little Namaqualand from West Coast National Park to the Orange River and the Greater Namaqualand to the north across the boarder into Namibia.

We included five Namaqualand flower regions, close to Cape Town up to Springbok, each has a link to a more in-depth article regarding the area. With details such as best places to see the flowers, where to stay, eat and other activities.

When is Namaqua flowers season
Anytime from the end of August through September, all weather dependent. The upper region close to Springbok generally flowers earlier in the season, whereas closer to Cape Town, the flowers bloom later. Rain affects the flowers a lot, so if it does rain through August and September, the number of flowers might not be what you expect.
Also, if it was a dry winter (this area is a winter rainfall area), the flowers might not be as abundant as after winter rains.

As the flowering season is such a short time frame, you will need to plan your trip in advance (accommodations fill up quickly). Most flower enthusiast book their accommodation months ahead, same as with certain camping sites (I remember family at times booking almost a year in advance), so if you have your eye on that ‘must stay’ accommodation, book early.
But here is the catch, you would still need to be a bit flexible. As the flowers are unpredictable, like the weather, we recommend a few days’ stay in an area.
Hot Tip: If you have your heart set on seeing the flowers in Namaqualand National Park, start your road trip up there and work your way down to Cape Town.
Why? Well as mentioned before the flower season starts as early as the beginning of August around Namaqua National Park area. My aunt just returned and said it was amazing.
☎ Contact the Flower hotline on +272 938 8186 before visiting an area for up to date info on the blooming flowers.

Best time of day to see Namaqualand flowers
You have to take note that if you plan to arrive very early in the morning, thinking you are missing the crowd, well you might be missing the flowers too. They close up during the night and only open with the rays of the sun. Yes they sleep too.
The best time would be between 10:30 am and 4 pm when the day is at its warmest (my source in the area mentioned they are at their best from about 11 am till 3:30 pm, sun at highest). The same counts for a rainy day; make sure to check the weather forecast. If it is cloudy and rainy, the flowers will not open. To have the best experience, make sure to visit during a sunny day.
*The flowers also face the sun, so keep that in mind when taking photos or trying to spot them.

Best ways to visit the Namaqualand flowers?
You have well let’s say three options, the first two would be self drive. Using your own or renting a vehicle if you fly in. Keep in mind the areas close to Springbok and around Namaqua National Park are mostly dirt roads. Only the main roads are tare, and certain parts are only accessible by 4×4, so do consider that. Lesson learnt in Namibia : gravel = 4×4 or you spend the whole day driving, or not even.
So self drive sedan or self drive 4×4. 4×4 gives you the option to camp in areas not accessible by normal sedan, hence our second option if you want to not only stay in BnB and hotels.
Thirdly, if you do wish to visit Namaqua National Park and not up to driving a 4×4 or prefer to join a tour, taking the stress out of figuring out where to go, there are many tour operators in the area.

Best areas to see the wild flowers
Some of the best places to view the wild flowers would be, starting upwards from Cape Town. The closest would be the Darling flower route, a bit further the West Coast National Park, and for a short period, Postberg and a more secluded area would be Cape Columbine Nature Reserve.
Further inland, you can explore the Clanwilliam flower route and Nieuwoudtville. The furthest up north is Namaqua National Park, and Goegap Nature Reserve Springbok, with few towns and most parts only accessible by 4×4.

Trips from Cape Town
We divided this article into five regions, which can each be used as an individual road trip or combined if you plan to do the whole route down from the Oranje River, to get the ultimate Namaqualand flowers experience.
Trip length | Where | Distance from Cape Town |
Day trips: | Darling Flower Route | +- 73 km |
The West coast National Park | +- 110 km | |
Weekend trips: | Paternoster – Cape Columbine Nature Reserve | +- 160 km |
Cederberg flower route | +- 230 km | |
Longer trips: | Nieuwoudtville | +- 360 km |
Springbok & Namaqua National Park | +- 560 km |
Darling Flower Route
Oh, darling, what a town, what an area, filled with character and panache. But most importantly, a place where you can re-energize your batteries!
From tannie Evita to hand made toffee, and of course the flowers. Darling is one of those little quaint South African towns where you feel right at home. Located 72km from Cape Town via the R27 & R307, about an hour’s drive. And during August and September, this area morphs into a kaleidoscope of colour. Be sure to visit skatties!
Where to see the flowers:
- Darling Renosterveld Reserve
- Contreberg Farm (Harold Versfeld Nature Reserve)
- Tienie Versfeld Nature Reserve (SANBI)
- Darling Veldblomme Local Nature Reserve also known as Groenkloof Reserve
❦ Flowers to see
Variety of renosterbos, endemic Darling froetang (Romulea eximia). The critically endangered orchid called Pterygodium cruciform, a cup-like orchid.
Do look out for the red snotrosie, (Drosera cistiflora) a carnivorous plant with sticky leaves to catch insects, but also look out for the pink and white blooms of the butterfly flower or sambreeltjie (Monsonia speciosa) and Arum lilies.

West Coast National Park and Postberg
Probably the busiest area of them all, as the West Coast National Park is only 120km from Cape Town and right next to the popular coastal holiday town of Langebaan. This coastal area transforms into a floral wonderland during Spring as a profusion of blooms appear with the wild ocean in the background and the occasional ostrich strolling along the beach.
Where to see the flowers:
- West Coast National Park
- Postberg
❦ Flowers to spot
The well known yellow Gousblom (Arctotis hirsuta), the pink Bokbaai vygie (Dorotheanthus bellidiformis) and White rain daisy (Dimorphotheca pluvialis). And in Postberg the Magriet (Ursinia anthemoides) and delicate blue Sporrie (Heliophila coronopifolia).

Also see: Where to stay in the area from houseboats to Airbnbs.
Read more as to how you can stay in a luxury houseboat and more, where to kite surf or e-bike safari, plus where to delight in the ultimate 10 course meal in Langebaan.

Technically part of the West Coast, I felt this area needed a spotlight.
This quiet little pocket tucked away from most of the busy tourist spots along the West Coast National Park is ideal if you want to unwind as well as connect with nature. Paternoster is characterised by its white-washed fishermen’s cottages, art and long-isolated white sandy beaches and not to forget crayfish. During spring, the natural phenomena make their appearance here, engulfing the area in a floral carpet.
The name Paternoster means Our father in Latin, was given to the area after the survivors of shipwreck said the Lord’s Prayer.
Where to see the flowers:
- Cape Columbine Nature Reserve
❦ Flowers to spot
The reenblommetjie or white rain daisy (Dimorphotheca pluvialis) is in abundance here.

Also see: A perfect weekend away in Paternoster.
Read more about where to find the best seafood, quaint fishermen cottages to stay in and a must try delicacy when visiting the West Coast

Cederberg flower route
North of Citrusdal, up past Clanwilliam next to the N7, the semi-desert plains explode into colour during August set against a juxtaposition of the beautiful, almost unearthly rock formations of the Cederberg.
On the contrary to other areas where you can view flowers till mid-September, it’s better to come earlier in the season, as by September the flowers might be gone. This is also the only place in the world where rooibos are grown. How about a cuppa of tea right now?
Did you know that Clanwilliam is one of South Africa’s oldest towns?
Where to see the flowers:
- Clanwilliam Ramskop Wildflower Garden
- Biedouw Valley
❦ Flowers to spot
Yellow-and-white nemesias, a multitude of African daisies, gazanias and many more.
Purple babianas, stone plants or as I know them succulent vygies. And delicate blue Heliophilas.

Also see: From rock art, hot springs to wild flowers, Clanwilliam has it all?
Read more about places you absolutely can’t miss to eat at, historical buildings to stay at, bouldering and where to do rooibos tea pairing.

After the winter rains, this area removes its dusty blanket and reveals a phantasmagoric display of colour. Nieuwoudtville, on the R27, on top of the Bokkeveld plateau, is situated in the heart of the Namaqua, part of the Hantam Karoo in the Northern Cape.
What makes this area so magical is the unique vegetation of Karoo and Fynbos. Not only during Spring does it boost an enchanted flower parade, but also during the ‘secret season’, Autumn when the Maartblom (Brunsvigia bosmaniae) make their appearance.
The town and area are loaded with history, from the sandstone buildings to a spectacular Neo-gothic church. For the avid photographer, the spectacular Quiver Tree Forest 25 km north of the town is a drawing card and the Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve for the experienced hiker. Shall I or Shan’t I book?
Nieuwoudtville is top on our list for uniqueness, here you are spoiled with options as to where to see flowers in various settings.
Where to see the flowers:
- Matjiesfontein Flower Route
- Hantam National Botanical Garden
- Papkuilsfontein Flower Route
❦ Flowers to spot
The cutest little orange Spogfluweeltjie (Sparaxis elegans), the delicate purple Lapeirousia oreogena, the white with a blush of pink aandblommetjies of bontrokkies (Hesperantha rivulicola) and the orange rockets of Cat’s Tail (Bulbinella latifolia var. doleritica).
Most intriguing is the Spinnekop blom (Ferraria variabilis), the ever so popular Namakwa gousblom, and the Besembos (Polygala leptophylla).

Also see: Where to admiring the ancient quiver trees?
Read more here to find out how you can visit the quiver trees, where to picnics between the flowers, and the ultimate luxury stay.

Namaqua & Springbok
As soon as the thirsty earth had enough, a magical array of colour explodes over this tranquil but arid earth. The Eden of all to see the Namaqua flowers – Namaqua National Park.
Now, not recommended as a quick weekend getaway, it is far, and towns are scarce as chicken teeth.
Secondly, it is mostly dirt roads, not at all made for sedans. A 4×4 would be a better option for this area. But Namaqualand is nothing short of amazing, so a week-long getaway or a more extended road trip to escape the busy city is recommended.
*Take note the closest place with ATMs or petrol stations is Springbok at about 90km away, connection can also be a issue in the area, make sure to have an old-school paper map at hand.
Where to see the flowers:
- Namaqua National Park
- Goegap Nature Reserve
❦ Flowers to spot
You will not miss these, the orange Pokkiesbos of Bergmagriet (Ursinia chrysanthemoides) in carpets over the area. Around Skilpad Ramhoringkies ( Diascia namaquensis) and closer to the coast the vygiebos.
Here again you will have fields of orange gazanias, but also look out for the ‘Halfmens’ tree (Pachypodium namaquanum), it might not be a flower but this tree is not something you will see often. Its name ‘halfmens’ in Afrikaans means half human, as it resembles a person standing. Rather intriguing.

Also see: The ultimate guide to wildflowers and star gazing in Namaqualand.
A must add to everyone’s bucket list, perfect 4×4, the quintessential glamping along the ocean surrounded by wildflowers.

Useful information to know before departing
Wild Card
A wild card is something to look into if you often visit certain national parks, reserves, and resorts around Southern Africa. It allows for free entry for a year, depending on the membership you bought.
West Coast Way
WestCoastWay is an up to date website with news on the area, the Namaqualand flowers and many more options for day trips or various routes to take.
Other Info
SA Campsite
A useful website, SA campsite, they list campsites across South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. As well as pet friendly camp site, biker friendly camp sites, to 4×4 campsites and even camp sites with MTB trails. Take note they do not do bookings.
Need help identifying the flowers
Clan flora has made it so easy with their online app, where you can select the shape, and the colour, and walla, the flowers full name pops up. It covers most of the flowers from the West Coast, Cederberg, Nieuwoudtville, and Namaqua.
This is blooming awesome!
Annelise Le Roux book wild flowers of Namaqualand is also a good resource with over 600 species identified. Either purchase on Kindle or as a hard copy, I prefer soft copy, as it is just easier when you travel.
☎ Contact the Flower hotline on +272 938 8186 before visiting an area for up to date info.

Don’t & Do’s
Stay on the path, do not step on the flowers.
Do not be that person that goes and lays down in the flowers. Do not go ‘rol’ around in the daisies. Just don’t.
Also do not pick them for obvious reasons.
Another big no no, do not drive or walk onto farms, it private property, imagine someone just walking into your front yard because you have pretty flowers.
Do drive cautiously through the parks as animals such as tortoises and hares are coming out of hibernation, plus antelope do also cross the road at times.
But do make sure you enjoy the Namaqualand flowers!

Have you been to any of these areas? What was your favourite? We love hearing from you, so leave a comment at the bottom of this page & let us know your favourite spots!
Photo contribution: Linda Ungerer is a nature photographer based in South Africa
*Opinions expressed here are my own.
*Contact details correct on date published.
Acknowledgement :
Some photos are my own, some from my sister (stated), a few are sourced (stated) and some from my photo contributor Linda Ungerer. As I lost some of my photos, and I am not able to visit South Africa with current travel restrictions (fyi, missing family).
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